Previously with:

Michael Doherty

Chief Regulatory Officer

Michael was Head of Product Development at Foundation Medicine from the 2016 to 2019. In this role, he led a team dedicated to the introduction of clinical and data products in the field of cancer genomics based on Next-Generation Sequencing, introducing the groundbreaking F1CDx assay as the first FDA approved and CMS reimbursed large oncology panel. Prior to this, he was Head of Regulatory Affairs at Roche Pharmaceuticals and Genentech from 2002 to 2016 overseeing the approvals of products in the field of oncology, immunology, hematology, and bone disease. During his career, he has worked in Regulatory Affairs in pharmaceutical companies based in the UK, France, Switzerland, and the US. In addition, he spent 2 years at Genentech building a new organization called Strategic Innovation which was charged with identifying and deploying disruptive concepts in the field of drug development. Today, he is a consultant and board member of several early-stage companies in both the biotech and diagnostics fields. Prior to working in the pharmaceutical industry, Michael worked at the University of Manchester, UK and Christie Hospital in the Regional Endocrinology Laboratory. He has a BSc in Biochemistry (University of Reading, UK); a fellowship of the Institute of Medical Sciences (UK); and a Diploma in Management Studies (University of Portsmouth, UK).