Fully Invested in Shared Success

Our Approach

Rowers propel a boat forward by leveraging team members’ strengths and harmonizing their efforts. Our approach mirrors these principles, harnessing collective strength and driving continuous improvement. Collaborating closely with partners, we cultivate alignment and coordinated action, maximizing the likelihood of impactful outcomes for stakeholders.

How We Navigate Toward Success

Partner Selection

What characteristics does Launch Tx seek in companies or assets when searching for potential partners in the pharmaceutical or biotech industry?

We seek companies/assets with these characteristics:

  • Assets in or nearing their final registrational phase, with a high likelihood of regulatory approval and
    successful commercialization.
  • These assets may include new developments, label expansions for existing approved molecules,
    those being developed within the target company, or those being considered for acquisition or
  • Both biologics and small molecules are suitable.
Why do biotech companies frequently opt to partner with Launch Tx and what benefits do they hope to gain from such a partnership?

Biotech companies often partner with Launch Tx to connect with investors who provide non-equity dilutive, non-debt risk capital for registrational development. These partnerships also provide access to strategic guidance and operational resources to reduce risk, enhance development delivery, and improve the probability of approval.

Why do large biopharma companies often enter partnerships with Launch Tx and what specific advantages do they seek to achieve through these partnerships?

Large biopharma companies often partner with Launch Tx for operational advice and support on clinical trials and connection to investors who provide financing that can improve the companies’ P&Ls by reducing R&D burden, freeing up capital for core development programs, M&A, lifecycle management, geographic expansion, and other purposes.

How does your organization identify potential partnership opportunities and what are the primary sources or methods used in this search process?

We identify potential partnership opportunities through direct outreach, advisor networks, investment banks, and also receive considerable inbound interest.

What is the timeline for your due diligence process when evaluating potential partnerships?

Our comprehensive due diligence process ensures transparency and progress feedback. Here’s a condensed version of a typical timeline:

Month 1: Introduction, initial diligence, and alignment on terms

Month 2: Focused priority diligence, letter of intent with detailed terms and exclusivity

Month 4: Confirmatory diligence, finalizing outstanding reviews, contracting, and deal closure.

Strategy Alignment

How does Launch Tx help partners increase efficiencies and optimize their clinical development plans for success?

Launch Tx evaluates the co-development partner’s clinical development plan to ensure it is in alignment with regulatory feedback and the current competitive landscape. It is our mission to maximize the trial’s appeal and increase the likelihood of technical and regulatory success.

How does Launch Tx leverage its experience in late-phase development and regulatory approval to maximize the possibility of technical and regulatory success?

Launch Tx contributes strategic input to the study’s design and execution to ensure its success.

  • During our diligence process, we gather “external perspectives” from Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and other experts to benefit our co-development partners.

Operational Execution

What benefits do pharmaceutical and biotech companies gain after being selected as eligible partners by Launch Tx, even before any formal deal is in place?
  • In our extended diligence, Launch Tx works with the company to ensure the strategy can be operationalized.
  • When we select you as an eligible partner, you gain access to a network of experts to drive strategy alignment, validate the clinical development plan, analyze the competitive landscape, and validate commercial forecasts.
  • Our team also assesses program feasibility through benchmarking data, milestones, and estimated program costs.
When deciding to enter a partnership, what is the Launch Tx approach to de-risking development?

When we decide to enter a partnership, we gather more comprehensive quotes from external service providers and take every step to maximize the asset’s opportunities for success.

 Launch Tx has an established infrastructure which offers flexible collaboration models to fill any gaps and adapt to specific needs.

How does Launch Tx implement its "one-size-fits-one" approach for designing a customized operational model that disrupts industry standards to guarantee a high-quality focus and delivery?
  • Our involvement spans from advisory services to fully customized operational execution. Each partnership is a uniquely tailored program designed to leverage innovative technologies and multiple vendor relationships to relationships to de-risk and accelerate development.
  • With extensive experience, we excel at selecting top-tier external service providers across our robust and expansive networks. Our resourcing model disrupts industry standards by minimizing fragmentation, ensuring high-quality focus and delivery.
  • We prioritize regulatory submissions and inspection-readiness based on our uncompromising standards for quality and execution.
  • Furthermore, we have access to best-in-class commercial terms typically reserved for big pharma.

Shared Success

What does a successful outcome look like with a partnership with Launch Tx?

While success criteria vary by partnership, Launch Tx is keen to ensure timely regulatory submission leading to potential approval; laser-focused preparation for commercialization and/or strategic transaction(s); and economic success share for investors in the event of approval.

Think of Us as Your Engine Room

Seated in the middle of a boat, the “engine room” rowers play a crucial role in driving the team forward. These strong, skilled, experienced rowers closely coordinate with the rest of the crew to ensure the boat maintains proper balance, rhythm, and speed. Considered vital to the team’s success, the athletes in the engine room are recognized for their ability to create momentum and shake the competition. Likewise, Launch Tx plays a pivotal role in disrupting the clinical development paradigm; expediting the pathway for therapies to be approved; and ensuring our partners’ mutual success.